tat‘n‘drang Magazine

“tat‘n‘drang” is the name of a DIY-magazine by Dominik Klimat. With an irregularly published print-edition and regularly published digital articles, it explores different scenes connected to the Ruhr area.

The topics - art, culture, music and sport - can vary depending on who contributes and what seems relevant, but the idea of social impact remains central. Rather than being a social media-style platform, the magazine offers a structured and illuminating overview of the different possibilities of DIY culture.

Pensum Pro is used extensively: Medium and Extrabold for editorial content and interviews, Book Italic for some quotes and the Black Italic sets the tat'n'drang logo. In addition to Pensum one can find alternative fonts, such as, Meta Medium, Futura Heavy, Literatura Book (bachelor thesis by Mara Albracht, FH Dortmund), as well as Franklin Gothic Demi Italic.

For tat’n’drang, some exclusivity is necessary: a collective of enthusiastic editors with different fields for expertise decides the relevance of what’s published and commissioned. tat’n’drang acknowledges this as a subjective exploration of exciting and socially relevant topics. For everything else, the magazine makes a plea: Don’t Do-It-Yourself! (according to: Auerbach, »Don’t Do It Yourself«)

Image and text levels form the core of the analogue. To stress relative priorities and allow the reader to focus on one level, each level is given a different format. As interviews and statements from featured people are the main focus, they are printed in the classic DIN A5 format. A larger formate is used for photos and images, allowing the reader to get a closer look at the surroundings and locations of the subjects.

To achieve something with your own power is the epitome of DIY.

As the concept of the analogue magazine is very crucial, the reproduction and binding is executed by Dominik. At the beginning of each print run, a small edition of 35 is produced and each further copy is planned to be printed on demand until a maximum of, for example, 100 is reached.

One of the best mediums for close networking, article publication and continuous presence in social media is a blog-like website. It can document the different projects in the metropolitan Ruhr area in diverse categories. At the same time it can provide a constant stream of shorter articles regarding the social relevance of the articles that are going to be published and presented in print.