“All Inclusive“ Magazine
With the 25th Issue “All Inclusive”, the magazine “Akademische Mitteilung” celebrates its anniversary. On this occasion the designers of the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenen Künste Stuttgart decided to work with Bridge by Mona Franz.

Bridge Head is classically used for large and characteristic headlines, while Bridge Text does what it can do best: working reliably in body text. Contributors of this issue are amongst others, the photographer Martin Paar, who shows his British humor with ludicrous and absurd beach snapshots; photographer Norman Conrad who takes us to an artificial holiday-world, or Christoph Niemann who illustrates a fictional image of an “all expense tour” in a polemic dispute written by philosopher and professor Daniel Martin Feige. The anniversary issue is designed by Alina Wenzler and Dominik Schnabelrauch, class of editorial design by professor Hans-Georg Pospischil (communication design, ABK Stuttgart).